Bleeding Chaos Bonus Content

Chapter Fourteen Bonus Scene

(Gage spending the day with Sadie and Rory)

“This coffee is amazing.” Sadie groans, taking a sip. “Rory was up half the night, not wanting to go to sleep.”

“Everything okay?” I ask, drinking my own coffee.

“Yeah, I think her nap ran too late, so she wasn’t tired… at all.” She mock glares at Rory, who’s eating her Cheerios and drinking her milk without a care in the world.

“Why don’t you go take a shower, baby-free, and I’ll keep an eye on Rory while you get ready? I was thinking we could take her to the park.”

At the word park, Rory’s ears perk up. “Pa pa!”

“Umm,” Sadie says, looking nervous. “I can just bring her in the bathroom with me…”

“Sadie,” I tell her, placing my hand on her arm. “I’m not going to leave this house with her.” I pull my keys out of my pocket and hand them to her. “I’ll watch her eat and then play with her in the living room so you can have a little while to yourself.”

She sighs and smiles carefully. “Okay, yeah. If you need anything…”

“You’ll be ten feet away,” I assure her.

After Sadie’s done with her coffee and breakfast, she gives Rory a kiss and tells her she’ll be right back. Rory waves bye-bye, then goes back to chomping on her cereal.

When she’s done, she raises her hands, so I take her out and set her on the floor. She crawls to the bins of toys Sadie keeps in the living room and goes through each one, flinging them out and making a huge mess. I can’t help laughing at how adorable she is.

When she finds the toy she wants, we play with it until she gives me an odd look and the room starts to stink.

“Did you take a shi—go poop?”

Rory looks at me with an unreadable expression.

“C’mon, princess. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

I lift her into my arms and carry her into her bedroom, setting her on the changing table. I’ve never actually done this myself, but I’ve seen Sadie and my friends do it, and I’m determined to show Sadie I’m capable. The diapers and wipes are in reaching distance, and I go about changing her diaper, only gagging once at the rancid smell.

“How is it possible for your tiny little body to produce that kind of filth?” I ask, making Rory laugh since she has no idea what I’m talking about.

I’ve just finished changing her and getting some clean clothes on her so she’s ready to go to the park once Sadie’s ready when Sadie comes out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel.

“Hey,” she says, startled. Her hair is up in a messy wet bun, the water from her hair trickling down her slim neck. The towel barely covers her, showing off the swells of her perfect breasts and her thick thighs.

“Hey,” I say back, holding Rory, who’s wiggling to get down. “I changed Rory’s diaper and got her dressed.”

Sadie smiles. “I’ll be done soon. The shower in the master bath has low pressure, so I take my showers in the other bathroom.”

While she finishes and Rory plays, I look up plumbers in the area and save them so I can call them on Monday for Sadie.

Once she’s dressed and ready to go, I put Rory in her stroller while Sadie packs her diaper bag, and then we’re off.

When we arrive at the park, I carry her over to the swings and set her in since Rory isn’t walking yet. As I push her, she squeals in delight, kicking her feet and jabbering away. I snap a couple of pictures of her, my heart feeling so full I wonder if it’s going to implode in my chest.

“Hey, are you okay?” Sadie asks, and it’s then I realize I have tears in my eyes.

“Yeah, for the first time, it feels like everything is perfect.” I pull her to my side and kiss her temple. “Thank you for giving me the most precious gift.”

Sadie looks up at me and smiles a watery smile. “She’s the rainbow after a horrible storm. A piece of hope.”

After the swings, Rory goes down the slide several times, and then we play in the sand with the toys Sadie brought. Once Rory’s exhausted, we put her in her stroller, and she falls asleep as we walk to a restaurant nearby to have lunch.

Every moment I spend with them is amazing but also bittersweet because I know I’m going to have to leave them soon enough.


Between Chapters Nineteen and Twenty Bonus Scene

(Playdate with Layla, Kendall, and Bailey)

“Red or white?” Kendall holds up two bottles of wine.

“Umm…” I stand, holding Rory on my hip, wondering what I’ve gotten myself into while she tries to get down to play with Layla’s daughter and Kendall’s two kids.

A woman is sitting with them, and when I eye her, Kendall says, “That’s Jessica, my nanny. Yes, I’m a rich be-otch and have a nanny.” She shrugs. “Actually, I have a couple of them, and I wouldn’t survive without them. She’s awesome, so put Rory down so she can play, and we can have our Mommy date.”

“Way to make a first impression,” Layla says with a laugh. “The nannies are only for when we do Mommy dates and when we’re working. Kendall’s merging from workaholic to stay-at-home mom, and it’s taking some time, and I work part-time at Blackwood as their videographer.” She snatches one of the bottles from Kendall. “I’ll take white, thanks.”

I’m still frozen in place, trying to take it all in, when Kendall snorts out a laugh. “Oh, don’t give us that look. It’s Mommy juice.” She winks, and I bark out a laugh, walking over to Jessica and handing her Rory. There’s a safety fence so the kids can play without leaving the room.

When I was invited over for a playdate, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the women drinking wine at eleven in the morning while the kids play with the nanny wasn’t it. But I’m not about to judge because after spending the past year and a half practically alone—with a couple of playdates with Sarah when she isn’t working—I’m craving adult interaction, and I love how down-to-earth these women are.

“Morning!” Bailey says, sauntering in with her son, Mathew, in tow. “Oh, wine! White, please.”

She sets her son on the carpet next to Rory, who’s now playing next to Kendall’s twins, and Marianna, who’s laid out on the rug, watching a TV show.

“Sadie?” Kendall prompts. “Did I scare you off?”

Bailey snorts out a laugh. “That was quick. What did she say?”

“That she’s a rich be-otch with a nanny.” Layla laughs.

“Well, she is.” Bailey shrugs. “But she’s also a damn good mom and an awesome sister and friend.” She kisses her sister’s cheek and follows Layla over to the wineglasses.

“I’ll take white,” I tell them.

Kendall grins. “Perfect.”

With a bunch of platters of food laid out across the counter, we make ourselves each a plate and then sit at the table that’s in seeing distance from the kids.

“So spill,” Kendall says. “Is it true? Does Gage have his dick pierced?”

“What?” I splutter, spitting my drink out and making Layla laugh and Bailey groan.

“No one cares about Gage’s dick or whether it’s pierced,” Bailey says with a glare.

You don’t care,” Kendall argues, “because you don’t like dicks.”

Bailey sticks her tongue out and takes a sip of wine.

“I asked Declan if he’d get his done, and he blew me off. So is he?” Kendall rests her chin on her hand and gives me her full attention.

“He is,” I admit, and Kendall squeals.

“I knew it,” she says. “Brax’s is pierced too, and Kaylee said it’s ah-maz-ing. Do you concur?”

“Let’s just say, that piercing appeared in every one of my fantasies for the past two years when I was alone, getting myself off,” I say, making the three women giggle.

“That’s it! I’m going to convince Declan to get one.” Kendall pulls her phone out and starts typing.

“And that’s her sober,” Layla says with a laugh. “Imagine once she’s had some wine.”

“So I was thinking we should go to The Hamptons this summer,” Bailey says. “Cynthia’s convinced me to buy a place there.” She rolls her eyes playfully.

“Oh, yes!” Layla agrees. “Since the guys won’t be touring until after the first of the year, I’d like to spend a few weeks, maybe even a month there, over the summer. How about for the Fourth of July?”

At the mention of the holiday, my thoughts go back to Collin and the last conversation we had. He wanted to buy fireworks.

“Sadie,” Layla says softly, “are you okay?”

It’s then I notice my chest is rising and falling in quick movements, and tears have gathered in my lids. “I… I should go…” I go to stand, ready to bolt, but before I can, Kendall drops her hand over mine.

“Whoa, wait,” Kendall says, turning serious. “Talk to us. We might have started as Gage’s family, but we’re yours too.”

I glance around at the women all looking at me with warmth and concern etched in their features. Aside from Gage, I haven’t spoken to anyone about my past. Not even Vincent’s parents because it’s too hard, and they feel too guilty.

“My son… Collin… he loved the Fourth of July. The last time we were together when he was alive, he wanted to get fireworks. That night, I miscarried, and the following day, he was killed in a car accident. He never got to celebrate… We never got to celebrate.”

“Oh, Sadie.” Layla jumps out of her seat and throws her arms around me, enveloping me in her warmth and comfort.

“I’m sorry,” I groan. “I’m such a drag… I’m like the worst Mommy date member ever.”

“Stop it,” Kendall says. “That’s what family is for. To listen… to simply be here. And we’re here. Just like my family was here when I was supposed to get married and jumped out of a church window instead, and then later found out that two different men could be the father of my babies.” Her eyes go comically wide, and I have no choice but to laugh through my tears.

“Oh! Are we sharing stories?” Kaylee asks, sauntering into the house. “Looks like I’m here just in time.” She gives Layla a kiss on the cheek and joins us.

“We’re sharing how effed up we all are,” Kendall informs her.

“Oh, I’ll go next.” Kaylee playfully raises her hand. “I wanted to push Brax away, so I pretended to cheat on him and let him believe for years I actually did.” She snags Layla’s wineglass and downs it. “And now that Brax and I are together, we’re trying to get pregnant, but my body hates me, and I keep miscarrying.” Layla pours her another glass, and she downs it. “Layla, your turn.”

“My family was here when I was going through a horrible divorce, and afterward, my ex tried to kill both my son and me,” Layla says, pouring herself some wine and taking a sip.

“Bailey, your turn,” Kendall says.

“Umm… well, I’m a lesbian.”

The women snort out a laugh.

“Okay, so all of us besides Bailey have issues.” Kendall rolls her eyes, and Bailey shoves her playfully. “Our point is, we’re not perfect.” She takes my hand in hers. “But we’re family, and we have each other’s backs. And even though we’ve just met, we got yours, too.”

I smile at the group of women, who I imagined would be stuck-up like the women I met in the past in the mom’s group, and take a breath of fresh air, feeling like maybe I’ve found my tribe.



“What the hell?” Declan groans, glaring my way. “Sadie’s hanging out with the women during their Mommy meeting.”

“Yeah, so… Is there a problem?” I had to practically convince Sadie to go to Kendall’s, ensuring her the women were all nice and would be welcoming. If one of them did something to make her feel uncomfortable…

“Great, that’s Layla,” Camden whines when his phone goes off, and he looks at it.

“What the hell are you guys going on about?” Since it’s clear we’re taking a break from practicing, I stand and shove my sticks into my back pocket. Pulling my phone out, I check on Sadie and make sure everything’s okay. Once I’ve texted her asking how it’s going, I turn my attention back to Declan. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Ever since the women got drunk and Kaylee bragged that Braxton’s pierced and it makes sex even better, Kendall’s been begging me to get pierced.”

I chuckle. “Well, it does,” I agree. “But what’s that got to do with Sadie?”

“Mommy meeting is code for drinking wine and gossiping,” Declan explains. “The women do it once a week. Apparently, Sadie confirmed that you’re pierced and said it’s so good, she’s been fantasizing about it.”

“She said that?” When we were together, I was high most of the time and didn’t think I made it good for her, so if she’s bragging about me, that’s a damn good sign.

“Yeah.” Declan glares. “Think maybe you can ask her to keep her opinions of your metal dick to herself in the future? You and Brax might be okay with holes in your cocks, but I’m not.”

My phone goes off, and I pull it out to find a text from Sadie: Hey! I’m good. Everyone is really sweet… making me feel welcome. We’re going to meet up again tomorrow. Is that okay?

Me: You don’t have to ask me to do anything. I’m just glad you’re getting along with my family.

Sadie: I am! Although… I’m probably going to need Paul to drive me home. I might’ve had some wine, and I’m not sure I’ll be sober enough to drive home when our playdate is over. Do I just text him when I’m ready?

I chuckle at how adorable she is. Because of my posting on social media, the paparazzi have come out of the woodwork, wanting to get the first picture of my daughter and girlfriend. I asked Paul to take her to Kendall’s this morning, but she insisted she could snag an Uber home. Not wanting to argue, I let it go, then told Paul to be on standby.

Me: He’s at your service, baby. Have a good time. Just don’t gossip too much. 😉

Sadie: Oh, my God! You know…

Me: Know what?

Sadie: Goodbye

I crack up laughing, and the guys all glance at me like I’ve grown another head.


“Nothing,” Declan says. “It’s just… happy looks good on you, man.”

I roll my eyes, secretly agreeing. “Let’s get back to work. This isn’t a damn Mommy meeting.”